Works and Technical Services Sector is composed of the following sub-sectors;

  • Roads and Buildings
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Mechanical Section.


The National Development Plan (NDP) puts roads, water and sanitation high both National and District priorities. These are aimed at increasing the income of the poor and improving the quality of lives of the poor and increase productivity through reduction of water and sanitation related diseases.


The Department derives its mandate from key National legal frameworks and ministerial policies including the National Development Plan, the National Vision 2040, Ministry of Works and Transport Sector Policies and Guidelines.


To improve the District infrastructure through both labor based and machine based Technology to enable easy and quick communication, access to markets and services as well as increasing access to safe and clean water.

Sector Goal “To improve the quality of life through provision of sustainable infrastructure.”

Specific Objective

  1. To improve and maintain the District road network.
  2. To mobilize communities and equip them with skills to prioritize & maintain roads.
  3. To improve and maintain District infrastructure
  4. To upgrade Town Council roads to bitumen standard.
  5. To maintain vehicles and road equipment

Specific Development Outcomes

  1. Access to markets.
  2. Access to social services eg health centers, schools and churches.
  3. Development of new trading centers etc
  4. The department derives its legal mandate from the Local Government Act.

Key Functions

  1. Providing technical advice and guidance to stakeholder
  2. Preparing technical specifications of contracts;
  3. Supervising all the technical works in the District;
  4. Preparing work plans and budgets for the technical works in the District;
  5. Approving buildings and other structural plans;
  6. Developing and maintaining water and sanitation systems; and
  7. Enforcing engineering and works policies.

Service delivery levels/Indicators

  • Kilometres of roads opened or maintained
  • Bridges and culvert crossings constructed
  • Infrastructure committees established
  • Quarterly reports prepared and submitted to Line Ministry
  • Water and sanitation systems/facilities constructed
  • Latrine stances constructed
  • Monitoring and supervision visits to facilities conducted
  • Mandatory reports prepared and submitted to Line Ministries
  • Distance to nearest water facility
  • Building and other structural plans prepared