Plot 1408, Kamwenge District Headquaters,
P.O. Box , Kamwenge (U)
I warmly welcome you to this website which should form the platform for information sharing on Kamwenge District Local Government. kamwenge District Local Government as any other District is established and derives its mandate from the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and the Local Government Act (Cap 243).
As part of the modernization process and initiative to meet the expectations of the people who are served by kamwenge District Local Government, the District has established this website as vehicle for public information.
The Development plan focuses on the expenditures of development nature and details of objectives, and key projects to be implemented. Recurrent expenditures of the District are catered for in the annual Budgets. The objectives of this plan are in line with the government strategy of poverty eradication and include;
1. To increase accessibility to and utilisation of health services to the district population
.2. To ensure that infrastructure facilities, including feeder roads, water supplies and public buildings, are available in all parts of the district according to minimum national standards.
3. To increase the levels of education and literacy in the district.
4. To provide an accountable local government system.
5. To ensure food sufficiency and security in the district, and the effective marketing of produce and products.
6. To identify and collect sufficient revenue to ensure that service delivery standards are met.
7. To manage environmental and natural resources in a sustainable manner.
8. To provide social and economic infrastructure in the district.
9. To avail community services to all people of the district according to their needs.
District vision, which is an aspiration of the future state is “Ensuring improved quality of life for all the people of Kamwenge by the year 2025”, The District Mission is “To Provide coordinated and participatory service delivery by all stakeholders focusing on National and local priorities for the development of Kamwenge District”, The above mission will be realised through the District Development Goal of ‘Having an empowered and prosperous Kamwenge community’’ .
Chief Administrative Officer
Plot 1408, Kamwenge District Headquaters,
P.O. Box , Kamwenge (U)